4 simple methods to clean wooden cutting boards

Although they are very useful on a day-to-day basis, wooden boards can accumulate bacteria that are harmful to health if they are not cleaned properly. Great care!

Wooden boards are used for all types of food: fruits, vegetables, meat, fish… That is why they have become an essential tool in any self-respecting kitchen. The problem? That if they are not cleaned properly, they become true sources of bacteria that are harmful to health. Below we will tell you all the tricks to clean wooden boards safely.
We show you the best tricks to get the most out of your wooden board and make it last longer.
simple methods to clean wooden cutting boards

How to clean a wooden cutting board?

There are several natural methods to clean and disinfect your wooden boards. They are all very efficient, and the best thing is that you will not need to buy any products.

Use coarse salt

Salt is the oldest natural disinfectant in history, so it makes sense to use it to kill bacteria on cutting boards.

  1. Pour a liberal amount of coarse salt onto the board (no food residue), and scrub it down with a scouring pad. Let it act for half an hour.
  2. Next, wash the board in hot, soapy water.
  3. Let it dry well before storing it in the closet.

Disinfect the table with white vinegar

White vinegar is a classic in household cleaning, it works for everything! We tell you two ways to use it to clean and disinfect cutting boards.

  1. For a deep clean, pour white vinegar over the board and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Then rinse it with water and dry it.
  2. Clean the board with hot soapy water, and add a little vinegar to the mixture.

Everything that lemon can do for you

These natural cleaning and disinfection tricks have Lemon as the protagonist.

  • A quick and effective way to sanitize your cutting board is by rubbing a lemon wedge across the surface. You just have to let it act, and that’s it! But if you want to clear the table, wait 30 minutes to make sure the lemon takes effect.
  • You can also use the juice of one lemon to spray the board. Let it sit for about 15 minutes and wash the board with hot, soapy water.

How to clean a wooden board with baking soda?

Baking soda is also great for cleaning and sanitizing wood planks. Basically, it is used in the same way as salt. If you want to have immediate effects, follow the steps that we propose below. They will be of great help to you!

  1. Pour a lot of baking soda on the board and rub. When you have it, let the mixture act for 30 minutes.
  2. Pour a squeeze of lemon juice, and clean.
  3. Finish with hot soapy water.

How to remove mold from wooden boards?

There are a number of factors that do not depend on us and that can affect our furniture, despite having a daily cleaning routine. Moisture is one of them, and it can cause mold to appearThe presence of this fungus is not only an aesthetic problem but can also cause health problems such as nasal congestion or eye irritation.

We are going to see in the following video how to get rid of mold on wood to avoid any problems. Take note!

How to protect a wooden board?

Here are some very simple and effective ideas to protect your wooden board and make it last longer. Take note!

  • Rub your board in oil: It is one of the methods of par excellence to preserve the good condition of wood for longer. For this reason, we recommend you clean the dust and dirt and help yourself with a clean or dry cloth to apply the oil little by little. This can help keep the wood solid and slow down the absorption of water that can lead to rot.
  • Watch the cracks: Keep in mind that bacteria settle inside the cracks and it is practically impossible to access these recesses. In that case, it’s best to throw the cutting boards in the trash.
  • Maintenance of wooden boards: To prevent wooden cutting boards from deteriorating quickly, use natural oils. If you can, keep several boards on hand and alternate their use to keep wear and tear away.